Monday, November 20, 2017

ICT4RED reflection

Hi everybody,

If you don't want to do a powerpoint reflection and upload that to your portfolio folder (or if you have not done it yet), you can do a quick voice reflection on our flipgrid here ( it will take you 1 and half minutes):

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Mobile Skills Badge

Now is the time to demonstrate your very fantabulisticly amazeballs mobile skills. Please just:

  • Do the tick list, sign it, camscan it and send it to me via email, but preferably add it to your G-drive portfolio folder. Create a folder Called "Mobile skills badge" if there is not one. 
  • We will do a fun workshop in the near future were we will test your skills!!

The mobile skills list is here: Download, complete and email.upload to Gdrive

You can also go and check if you know your stuff by completing the questionnaire here:

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Module 10 Reflective Practitioner Badge Support

Jaribaaaaa, you have reached the end of your course journey!!! But hopefully it will be the start of many #ict4red infused innovative lessons!!

All you have to do to earn this badge is to tell me what you have learned during your journey and how it has changed the way you teach using technology.

Reflections on our learning journey

I will be inviting each of you to post your reflective journey slides/video on this blog, but for now I would just like you to say in a paragraph how you have enjoyed this course, what challenges you faced and if and how it has/ will impact on your classroom practice.

Friday, March 3, 2017

Module 9- Gallery Walk

A Gallery walk consists of Exhibits that should challenge the observer to think about what is shared in the exhibit. A good exhibit therefore should:

  • Impart information and knowledge
  • Solicit feelings (positive/negative), 
  • Stimulate challenging discussion.
  • Encourage critical thinking

  • Here are the Module 9 links:


    Gallery walk Exercise 2: Exhibits

    In this exercise we will use the blogpost comments as a backchannel. Just click on the comments link at the bottom to reply to this discussion.

    1.  Examine the Exhibit alongside critically. In the      class backchannel:
    • What is the exhibit about? 
    • Describe how it makes you feel.
    • Do you think that #feesmustfall? 
    • Reply to at least one other person in the discussion thread, opposing their opinion. 
    2. Scan the aura of the exhibit using your Aurasma app. How does virtual reality add to/distract from the Exhibit? Sometimes Auras do not load in which case you can access at the aura video here:

    A Gallery walk consist of Exhibits that should challenge the observer to think about what is shared in the exhibit. A good exhibit therefore should:
    • Impart information and knowledge
    • Solicit feelings (positive/negative)
    • Stimulate good discussion
    • Encourage critical thinking
    Was this exhibit a well chosen example?

    Wednesday, February 22, 2017

    Badging progress

    As the whole course is gamified we do celebrate our success ongoingly. I am glad to report that the #Gapschools teachers are getting back into the groove for the new year and are competing for the top points positions as well as delivering good quality lessons using the strategies and technologies.

    At this point the top performers are as follows:
    1. Vicki du Preez
    2. Christine Murray
    3. Sarah-Lee Frewen
    4. Jessie Kay
    5. Gweny Van Deventer
    6. Loren van der bergh
    7. Morgan Catto
    8. Patrick Adjei
    9. Nelia Moss
    10. Precious Phili
    See the Flippity breakdown of the badges: 

    Tuesday, February 7, 2017

    Flipped lesson Badge Support

    In order to earn this badge, you will have to create a flipped lesson experience for your class. Vicky has created a great summary of what a flipped lesson is all about for her content creation badge:

     So, to summarise:
    • Create or download the content that you want them to work through (relating to your curriculum subject content) to be able to do their "homework" in the class with your help.
      • You can use the myriad of educational subject videos on Youtube, Khan Academy or any of the amazing video sites out there already. (e.g. see the Mathematics Xhosa videos here:
      • You can create your own content by letting someone video you giving the lesson, or by creating a video lesson using some video creation tools (e.g. Screenomatic, Microsoft Mix which allows you to turn a slideshow into a video with voice overs and the students can see you- see some examples here:
    • Suggestion: Make sure that you add some guiding questions that the learners have to answer after hey have watched the video/interacted with your content
    • Suggestion: when they come to class, first do a little self marking diagnostic test with them to make sure that they have worked through the material e.g. using a tool like Testmoz
    • Give the learners their "homework" activity to do in the class in groups or pairs so that they can help one another.
    • Assist them if they have hassles. 
    How do you earn the badge? 

    To earn this badge, you need to design a flipped lesson plan.

    1. Design and complete the Lesson plan for flipped classrooms here:
    2. Self assess your lesson plan using the Flipped lesson plan rubric and submit a photo/ electronic copy of the self assessment-  Download rubric template here:
    3. Upload into your Gdrive folder

    Monday, February 6, 2017

    Field Trip Badge Support

    To take your learners on an actual field trip, like what we have done, can be logistically challenging but at the same time very rewarding. It is advisable to take them somewhere close to the school that is easily accessible and safe. The venue should also lend itself to lots of learning opportunities e.g. the Casino where we went offered various mathematical, chance, and sociological learning scenarios.
    Make sure that tablet use are seamlessly incorporated (e.g. using QR codes, videos, photo, etc).

    For this badge, you may work with a colleague(s) from other subject(s) area(s), but you have to create at least some (minimum 5) of the questions yourself, that will be relevant to your subject. Apart from handing in the entire Field trip activity worksheet, you must mark which questions you contributed!

    Before you create your field trip worksheet, organise with the venue to go and do a scouting trip. This mainly consist of taking lots of photos and looking at things that could tie in with your subject areas. Have a look at Sarah-Lee's explanation of what we did to prepare for the teachers ICT4RED field trip:

    Once you have all your photos and some ideas around how you can link it up with your subject area, you can scan through the photos and create your scavenger hunt! Here is a how-to tutorial with step by step instructions:

    Here is the criteria for your Field trip badge:

    Complete the online field trip reflection form here:

    Saturday, February 4, 2017

    Scavenger Hunt Rules (Module 8)

    • A Scavenger Hunt takes place within a fixed time. The time allocated for today’s Scavenger Hunt is 90 minutes which includes driving time to get back to the staff room!
    • Points are allocated for the different items that need to be collected. The items are weighted according to difficulty or/and the fun you can experience. 
    • The team with the most points earned, within the time limit, wins.
    • Teams who complete the scavenger hunt after the fixed time will be penalised- make sure that your time keeper keeps the team on time!
    • Teams may not split up to take photos faster! All team members must stay together at all times.
    • When a team or one of the team’s members does not play by the rules the team will be disqualified. 
    • Remember there is limited time so you most probably won’t be able to do everything.
    • Be mindful of safety.
    • All photos can be posted on the internet so be mindful of decency. 
    • Only one photo per item will be counted unless otherwise stated. 
    • All the answers must be captured using photos/videos even your calculations must be on photo format.
    • The scavenger hunt activities of a team will be scored by another team using 1 tablet.
    • No photos may be taken in the casino. 
    General points
    • You need to work together as a team. 
    • Spend some time to strategize and plan your course of action. 
    • You will earn negative points if you come late so be back at the staff room in time!!
    • 5 Bonus QR codes will be put up all around the venue. Keep your eyes open for them!! 
    • 1 Bonus code will be waiting for you at the staff room (if you are in time).
    • Teams can earn extra points by including #QTNCasino in your tweets along with #gapschool and #ict4red 
    • Pregnant ladies earn extra points for their teams to make up for speed. They don't have to do the physically challenging items and can be the photographers. 
    • I like selfies and groupsies and learnsies and tweetsies!!!

    Friday, February 3, 2017

    Module 8-Field trips

    Our presentation for today:

    Assessment Badge

    What is assessment?
    Assessment is a way to measure if learners have achieved all the learning outcomes as stated in the curriculum (CAPS) document. We gather evidence of achievement in the form of assessment tasks using assessment tools.

    During this course you have been introduced to various assessment tasks and tools (e.g. see example alongside). Badges in this course is used to formally assess if you can apply the given
    teaching strategy with the support of mobile technologies.

    There are two broad categories of assessment: Informal and Formal.

    The instruments used to gather evidence are called ASSESSMENT TOOLS. It:
    ü  Facilitate the recording process.
    ü  Inform the reporting process.
    ü  Provide the basis for feedback and

    Examples of Assessment tools:
    q  Rubrics/ Assessment Grid (Rating scale).
    q  Criteria list /Checklist.
    q  Marking Memorandum.
    q  Observation Schedule.
    q  Any other relevant tool e.g. combination of criteria list and rubric.

    To read more about assessment tasks and tools, consult your Module 6 à Resources à Assessment Folder or see our online assessment collection here:

    Flipped classroom Strategy

    After working through activity 0, you should have a good idea of what a flipped classroom is. Instead of doing a lecture about flipped classrooms I gave you various resources that explained what it is. To check if the basics are in place, do the following quiz:

    During this session you will be doing the following:
    • Do a mock in-class flip to model the activity 0 (at home) experience 
    • Create a flipped lesson plan
    • Assess the other team's flipped lesson plans.
    • Create a flipped lesson plan for your class. 

    Thursday, February 2, 2017

    Flipped Classroom Activity 0

    On Friday we will be doing Flipped classrooms as a teaching strategy. So. We will be doing flipped classrooms in a flipped way. This means that you will learn about flipped classrooms before your come to class. So here is your Homework. Or is it classwork?

    This activity will take place BEFORE the session. It is of the utmost importance that you understand what a flipped classroom is before you come to this session. All the resources for this activity can be found in your Module 6 Resources folder here:

    What you have to know/do:
    • Watch the video from MediaCore: “How the Flipped Classroom works” – (
    • Watch the video from MADDrawProductions: “The Flipped Classroom Model” – ( 
    • Critique the Flipped classrooms Infographic in your resource folder. 
    • Look at all the resources in your Module 6 Resource folder that will help you understand how a flipped classroom works.
    • Please bring your Caps document with to the session so that you can plan your badge!
    Answer the following questions: 
    ·      What is a flipped classroom?
    ·      How is it different from what I am doing now?
    ·      How can technology help me to flip my classroom?
    ·      How can I use it in my teaching?

    Thursday, January 12, 2017

    Getting our #ict4red groove on again!!

    The start of the new year is always a shock to our systems with all the planning, getting used to all the learners, the noise and the buzz!! I feel for you all! But it is also very exciting to be back and see all the new and old faces again!

    We are just over half way with our #ict4red tablet course and it is time for some serious planning while we are at it! I will be virtually talking/working with each of you individually over the next few weeks to make sure that you get back on track and help with some lesson ideas, apps and tools that you can use to get your #ICT4RED jaribaaa back. The strategies that we have dealt with over the first 6 modules are totally fun, practical and ready for you to implement in your classroom into what you have to do in any case! So there is nooooo reason to panic!!

    I know that having done the last few modules just before the end of year examinations, did not leave any time for classroom implementation. It is therefore essential that we plan our lessons this year in such a way that we can earn our badges and create award winning jaribaaa lessons at the same time!

    Talking about badges..... Here is our top 10 badge earners from last year. It looks like the Queenstown Primary school is taking the early lead!!!!

    5Vickidu Preez7
    7GwenyVan Deventer6

    Our assessment this year is moving up a notch as we will be looking for the top #ict4red #GAPSchool achievers. To earn the #ict4red merit badge we will be identifying  innovative lessons that can be used as inspiring case studies in our #ICT4RED integration book/site and the lessons will also be entered into the #ispasuperteacher competition! So now is the time to get your groove on!!

    The following rubric will be used to evaluate all badges this year.

    Modules 1 to 10
    The pink indicates the minimum requirements for earning a badge. The rest of the criteria will count towards a merit award.

    Lesson plan descriptionLesson plan is described in detail with Grade, Topic, CAPS alignment and specific outcomes and the lesson implements the given strategy with all tech well described.Lesson plan is described in detail with Grade, Topic, CAPS alignment and specific outcomes and the lesson implements the given strategy.Lesson plan is described in detail with Grade, Topic, CAPS alignment and implements the given strategy.Lesson plan is briefly described but I can't quite get what the lesson is about. No CAPS alignment.
    Badge criteriaAll badge criteria is handed in and is accompanied by a detailed lesson plan and uploaded to Google drive.All badge criteria is handed in and is accompanied by a detailed lesson plan.All badge criteria is handed in.Not all badge criteria is covered.
    OriginalityLesson shows a large amount of original thought. Ideas are creative and innovative.Lesson shows some original thought. Work shows new ideas and insights.Lesson uses other people's ideas (giving them credit), but there is little evidence of original thinking.Use other people's ideas, but do not give them credit.
    Technology useTablets and technology were used in a WOW seamless way and it was a paperless environment throughout with focus on pedagogy.Tablets and technology were used seamlessly in an innovative way during the lessonTablets and technology were used during the lesson in a basic way (Photos, videos) and badge artifacts were uploaded to shared Google driveNo technology was incorporated into the lesson except for accessing the material in digital format.
    ReflectionYour online journal is up to date and you are using it for everyday reflection and to capture all learning, notes and memos. You are constantly reflecting on your teaching practice and creating learning briefs e.g if anything did not work, you reflect on why it did not work and how you can change it to improve your practice. Your journal is WOW!All lessons are captured in journal with what worked and what did not work with photos and voice recordings and detailed explanations of what happened before, during and after the lesson.All lessons are captured in journal with what worked and what did not work.Some evidence of reflective teaching (Some journal entries).
    Total Score

    Other badges:
    The pink indicates the minimum requirements for earning a badge. The rest of the criteria will count towards a merit award.

    EmailOngoing email communications, letting me know when you have uploaded your module stuff to your gdriveYou have send an email with a class photo attached to from your tabletEmail address is set up on tablet Can access email using a browser
    TwitterAre a twitter ninja with over a 100 tweets, are flowing over 50 education related tweeps and is being followed by over a 100 people. You have shared at least 30 educational resource tweetsHave retweeted at least 5 educational tweets and replied to 5 tweets, shared a photo and a video in your timelineHave followed 20 educational tweets and colleagues and have tweeted 20 education related tweets with the #ict4red #gapschools hashtagHave registered for twitter and twitter is set up on tablet. Bio is complete and egg has been hatched
    Content creationThe item is innovative and fresh and can be used in learner centred classroomsThe item can be used by other teachers in their classrooms and subject. The item is clearly aligned with outcomes and can be identified as something that you have created as part of your teaching strategiesYou have created an object about a topic that you are currently teaching. (Video, slideshow. infographic, tutorial, informational document.)
    App AssessmentHave sourced apps and used it in innovative ways with completed assessment formsHave identified new apps that are not part of the course for use with the strategies with completed app assessment forms and examplesHave looked at, at least 10 apps and completed the app assessment questionnaires in electronic format (photos/form/word doc)Have looked at, at least 5 apps and completed the app assessment questionnaires in electronic format (photos/form/word doc)
    AssessmentYou have made innovative and creative use of technology and methodology to create your assessment tool.You have used technology to create or capture your assessment task. (e.g. google forms, testmoz) and your students have completed it electronicallyYou have supplied a scanned/completed learner instrument as well as the Assessment Motivation Template You have created 3 different assessment tools (e.g. rubric, self-assessment questionnaire, scoring sheet, test with memorandum)
    Blogging/Blog collaboratorYou have created a blog for your class/subject and have used embedded objects. Your learners are actively participating on your blog via comments and postsYou have created your own blog and have made at least 5 blogpostsYou have contributed a blogpost to our blog. You have made at least 5 comments on any of the ict4red school blog posts (
    Mobile skillsHave used apps and tools in innovative and creative ways throughout the courseHave created how to tutorials for apps and tools not defined in the course Can do more advanced mobile skills required in the courseCan do some all the basic tablet skills required in the course
    Jaribaaaa BadgeYour classes are transformed into learner centred innovation hubs and you are an exemplary guide on the side. You have the Jaribaaaa factorEnthusiastically participated and are very excited about using the strategies and tech in the classroomHelped others and actively participated in the gamification and funAttended the minimum no of training sessions (8) and participated
    Total Score

     I would also like you to revisit what you have done last year and make sure that your ICT4RED google drive folder has the following in for every module (even if you have already been awarded your badge). This will be your online portfolio for SACE accreditation.

    • Your lesson plan describing what you have done. You can use the lesson plan template here ( or use your own, making sure that I will be able to use the above rubric to "evaluate" your lesson, know what it is about and how you have used technology (mobile devices in your classroom.  It has to be in electronic format in your folder. 
    • Make sure that you have covered all the criteria and that all evidence have been uploaded to your google drive folder. 
    • Do not put ALL your photos and videos in your google drive, choose the ones that best describes the lesson and adhere to the criteria.
    • If you want to do another lesson on a badge that you have already earned, feel free and let me know to look at it for merit achievement!!
    If you need help getting back on track with what to do for each badge, see the badge support posts: 

  • Module1 Jigsaw Support

  • Module 2 Storytelling support
  • Module 3 Role Play
  • Module 3 Role play support
  • Module 4 Learning stations
  • Module 4 Learning stations support
  • Twitter Badge support
  • Content Creator Badge Support
  • Module 5 Mind mapping
  • Module 5 Mind Mapping badge support
  • Module 7 Game Based Learning
  • Module 7 GBL badge support

  • If you need help or just want to talk with me about what you are planning to do. or if you are ready to submit, let me know and we can set up a skype session for you. My skype name is Maggieverster. 

    See you online and don't forget to get your tweet on again....#ict4red #gapschools