Monday, February 6, 2017

Field Trip Badge Support

To take your learners on an actual field trip, like what we have done, can be logistically challenging but at the same time very rewarding. It is advisable to take them somewhere close to the school that is easily accessible and safe. The venue should also lend itself to lots of learning opportunities e.g. the Casino where we went offered various mathematical, chance, and sociological learning scenarios.
Make sure that tablet use are seamlessly incorporated (e.g. using QR codes, videos, photo, etc).

For this badge, you may work with a colleague(s) from other subject(s) area(s), but you have to create at least some (minimum 5) of the questions yourself, that will be relevant to your subject. Apart from handing in the entire Field trip activity worksheet, you must mark which questions you contributed!

Before you create your field trip worksheet, organise with the venue to go and do a scouting trip. This mainly consist of taking lots of photos and looking at things that could tie in with your subject areas. Have a look at Sarah-Lee's explanation of what we did to prepare for the teachers ICT4RED field trip:

Once you have all your photos and some ideas around how you can link it up with your subject area, you can scan through the photos and create your scavenger hunt! Here is a how-to tutorial with step by step instructions:

Here is the criteria for your Field trip badge:

Complete the online field trip reflection form here:

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