Tuesday, February 28, 2017
Wednesday, February 22, 2017
Badging progress
As the whole course is gamified we do celebrate our success ongoingly. I am glad to report that the #Gapschools teachers are getting back into the groove for the new year and are competing for the top points positions as well as delivering good quality lessons using the strategies and technologies.
At this point the top performers are as follows:
At this point the top performers are as follows:
- Vicki du Preez
- Christine Murray
- Sarah-Lee Frewen
- Jessie Kay
- Gweny Van Deventer
- Loren van der bergh
- Morgan Catto
- Patrick Adjei
- Nelia Moss
- Precious Phili
See the Flippity breakdown of the badges:
Tuesday, February 7, 2017
Flipped lesson Badge Support
In order to earn this badge, you will have to create a flipped lesson experience for your class. Vicky has created a great summary of what a flipped lesson is all about for her content creation badge:
So, to summarise:
To earn this badge, you need to design a flipped lesson plan.
So, to summarise:
- Create or download the content that you want them to work through (relating to your curriculum subject content) to be able to do their "homework" in the class with your help.
- You can use the myriad of educational subject videos on Youtube, Khan Academy or any of the amazing video sites out there already. (e.g. see the Mathematics Xhosa videos here: https://xh.khanacademy.org/)
- You can create your own content by letting someone video you giving the lesson, or by creating a video lesson using some video creation tools (e.g. Screenomatic, Microsoft Mix which allows you to turn a slideshow into a video with voice overs and the students can see you- see some examples here: goo.gl/Dyo2Jv)
- Suggestion: Make sure that you add some guiding questions that the learners have to answer after hey have watched the video/interacted with your content
- Suggestion: when they come to class, first do a little self marking diagnostic test with them to make sure that they have worked through the material e.g. using a tool like Testmoz
- Give the learners their "homework" activity to do in the class in groups or pairs so that they can help one another.
- Assist them if they have hassles.
To earn this badge, you need to design a flipped lesson plan.
- Design and complete the Lesson plan for flipped classrooms here: goo.gl/ZhZI4V
- Self assess your lesson plan using the Flipped lesson plan rubric and submit a photo/ electronic copy of the self assessment- Download rubric template here: goo.gl/bWTuLM
- Upload into your Gdrive folder
Monday, February 6, 2017
Field Trip Badge Support
To take your learners on an actual field trip, like what we have done, can be logistically challenging but at the same time very rewarding. It is advisable to take them somewhere close to the school that is easily accessible and safe. The venue should also lend itself to lots of learning opportunities e.g. the Casino where we went offered various mathematical, chance, and sociological learning scenarios.
Make sure that tablet use are seamlessly incorporated (e.g. using QR codes, videos, photo, etc).
For this badge, you may work with a colleague(s) from other subject(s) area(s), but you have to create at least some (minimum 5) of the questions yourself, that will be relevant to your subject. Apart from handing in the entire Field trip activity worksheet, you must mark which questions you contributed!
Before you create your field trip worksheet, organise with the venue to go and do a scouting trip. This mainly consist of taking lots of photos and looking at things that could tie in with your subject areas. Have a look at Sarah-Lee's explanation of what we did to prepare for the teachers ICT4RED field trip:
Make sure that tablet use are seamlessly incorporated (e.g. using QR codes, videos, photo, etc).
For this badge, you may work with a colleague(s) from other subject(s) area(s), but you have to create at least some (minimum 5) of the questions yourself, that will be relevant to your subject. Apart from handing in the entire Field trip activity worksheet, you must mark which questions you contributed!
Before you create your field trip worksheet, organise with the venue to go and do a scouting trip. This mainly consist of taking lots of photos and looking at things that could tie in with your subject areas. Have a look at Sarah-Lee's explanation of what we did to prepare for the teachers ICT4RED field trip:
Once you have all your photos and some ideas around how you can link it up with your subject area, you can scan through the photos and create your scavenger hunt! Here is a how-to tutorial with step by step instructions:
Here is the criteria for your Field trip badge:
Complete the online field trip reflection form here:
Saturday, February 4, 2017
Scavenger Hunt Rules (Module 8)
- A Scavenger Hunt takes place within a fixed time. The time allocated for today’s Scavenger Hunt is 90 minutes which includes driving time to get back to the staff room!
- Points are allocated for the different items that need to be collected. The items are weighted according to difficulty or/and the fun you can experience.
- The team with the most points earned, within the time limit, wins.
- Teams who complete the scavenger hunt after the fixed time will be penalised- make sure that your time keeper keeps the team on time!
- Teams may not split up to take photos faster! All team members must stay together at all times.
- When a team or one of the team’s members does not play by the rules the team will be disqualified.
- Remember there is limited time so you most probably won’t be able to do everything.
- Be mindful of safety.
- All photos can be posted on the internet so be mindful of decency.
- Only one photo per item will be counted unless otherwise stated.
- All the answers must be captured using photos/videos even your calculations must be on photo format.
- The scavenger hunt activities of a team will be scored by another team using 1 tablet.
- No photos may be taken in the casino.
General points
- You need to work together as a team.
- Spend some time to strategize and plan your course of action.
- You will earn negative points if you come late so be back at the staff room in time!!
- 5 Bonus QR codes will be put up all around the venue. Keep your eyes open for them!!
- 1 Bonus code will be waiting for you at the staff room (if you are in time).
- Teams can earn extra points by including #QTNCasino in your tweets along with #gapschool and #ict4red
- Pregnant ladies earn extra points for their teams to make up for speed. They don't have to do the physically challenging items and can be the photographers.
- I like selfies and groupsies and learnsies and tweetsies!!!
Friday, February 3, 2017
Assessment Badge
What is assessment?
Assessment is a way to measure if learners have achieved all the learning outcomes as stated in the curriculum (CAPS) document. We gather evidence of achievement in the form of assessment tasks using assessment tools.
During this course you have been introduced to various assessment tasks and tools (e.g. see example alongside). Badges in this course is used to formally assess if you can apply the given
teaching strategy with the support of mobile technologies.
There are two broad categories of assessment: Informal and Formal.
Assessment is a way to measure if learners have achieved all the learning outcomes as stated in the curriculum (CAPS) document. We gather evidence of achievement in the form of assessment tasks using assessment tools.
During this course you have been introduced to various assessment tasks and tools (e.g. see example alongside). Badges in this course is used to formally assess if you can apply the given
teaching strategy with the support of mobile technologies.
There are two broad categories of assessment: Informal and Formal.
instruments used to gather evidence are called ASSESSMENT TOOLS. It:
Facilitate the recording
Inform the reporting process.
Provide the basis for
feedback and
Examples of Assessment tools:
q Rubrics/
Assessment Grid (Rating scale).
q Criteria
list /Checklist.
q Marking
q Observation
q Any
other relevant tool e.g. combination of criteria list and rubric.
read more about assessment tasks and tools, consult your Module 6 à
Resources à
Assessment Folder or see our online assessment collection here:
Flipped classroom Strategy

During this session you will be doing the following:
- Do a mock in-class flip to model the activity 0 (at home) experience
- Create a flipped lesson plan
- Assess the other team's flipped lesson plans.
- Create a flipped lesson plan for your class.
Thursday, February 2, 2017
Flipped Classroom Activity 0
On Friday we will be doing Flipped classrooms as a teaching strategy. So. We will be doing flipped classrooms in a flipped way. This means that you will learn about flipped classrooms before your come to class. So here is your Homework. Or is it classwork?
activity will take place BEFORE the
session. It is of the utmost importance that you understand what a flipped
classroom is before you come to this session. All the resources for this
activity can be found in your Module 6
Resources folder here: goo.gl/CVFdL5
What you have to know/do:
- Watch the video from MediaCore: “How the Flipped Classroom works” – (http://goo.gl/HVZgG6)
- Watch the video from MADDrawProductions: “The Flipped Classroom Model” – (http://goo.gl/9hcFQ)
- Critique the Flipped classrooms Infographic in your resource folder.
- Look at all the resources in your Module 6 Resource folder that will help you understand how a flipped classroom works. goo.gl/CVFdL5
- Please bring your Caps document with to the session so that you can plan your badge!
Answer the following questions:
What is a flipped classroom?
How is it different from what I am doing now?
How can technology help me to flip my
How can I use it in my teaching?
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